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Laborers in England 1901 (colorized and treated by Denis Shiryaev)
Quentin Tarantino's and Roger Deakins' polar views on film vs digital.
Some of Roger Deakins credits (Director of Photography):
-Blade Runner 2049
-No Country for Old Men
-A Beautiful Mind
-O Brother, Where Art Thou
-Dead Man Walking
-The Shawshank Redemption
Some of Quentin Tarantino's Directorial credits:
-Django Unchained
-Inglorious Bastards
-Pulp Fiction
-Sin City
-Kill Bill
-Jackie Brown
-Reservoir Dogs
Some of Roger Deakins credits (Director of Photography):
-Blade Runner 2049
-No Country for Old Men
-A Beautiful Mind
-O Brother, Where Art Thou
-Dead Man Walking
-The Shawshank Redemption
Some of Quentin Tarantino's Directorial credits:
-Django Unchained
-Inglorious Bastards
-Pulp Fiction
-Sin City
-Kill Bill
-Jackie Brown
-Reservoir Dogs
Excerpt from"Olympia (the diving scene) by Leni Reifenstahl
Hitchcock's Cinematic Language excerpt
Hitchcock explains challenges in shooting the famous shower scene in Psycho
Hitchcock quote
"Mother of George" director Andrew Dosunmu breaks down the 'Anatomy of a Scene'.
Bradford Young (Cinematographer) excerpt.
Excerpt from TedX with Jim Chuchu (artist, filmmaker and musician) on why he is still based in Kenya.
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